
42 pounds

That's how much I've lost in the last year. I lost the majority of it from April to October, then maintained for several months, which I've never done before. Sometimes I still can't believe it.

But now I'm ultra-motivated since we've booked the cruise. I've been walking like crazy and doing tons of Pilates, which I really love. Today I tried on some old dresses, and every one of them fit, and a few of them were too big! I fit perfectly into my "little black dress," the dress I wore for my senior recital in college. (Yeah, that was 1995. I'm hoping little black dresses never go out of style.)

Brian found out yesterday that he has high cholesterol. It's not REALLY high, in fact, it's considered borderline high - but his LDL and HDL are flipped. So we'll be eating extra healthy to get those numbers fixed.

I've done pretty much nothing all day today - except weigh myself and try on some dresses from my closet. I feel lazy - the weather is rainy and cloudy and dark. I think I'll go do some Pilates and then take a shower. Tonight we're going to some friends' house to play games.


miz fuhrell said...

congrats, dear. I know how much hard work that takes. revel in your shrinking self. :)

BT said...

42 pounds? That's two Bradens!