
ten pairs of jeans

Wednesday was movie night and we went to see "Accepted," which I personally thought was hilarious! It was way funnier than I thought it was going to be! And it's always fun to hang out with our friends from n-Space.

Something strange happened when I was getting ready to go to Downtown Disney for the movie. I remembered that last time we were there it was really cold in the theater, so I decided to wear jeans. Well, I haven't had jeans on since March. It's WAAAAYYYYYY too hot. Anyway, there were ten pairs of jeans hanging in my closet. (This is a result of gaining weight and buying new jeans but keeping the "skinny" jeans "just in case.") Anyway, there was one pair I already knew was too big, and two more pairs I was wearing comfortably in March and before.

Well, both of those pairs were too big. Of the remaining seven pairs, one pair fit comfortably and two pairs fit snugly, and the other four pairs (pairs that I haven't been able to wear for a few years!) were too BIG! This is SO not a problem that I usually have! And now when I put on most of my tops, I look like I'm wearing a tent. :-) I'm not complaining! I'm almost back in my skinniest of skinny jeans! :-D

Yesterday I taught my first piano lessons since May of 2005!! It was really awesome!! I started two new students who just happen to be Brian's boss' sons. They were just the sweetest, funniest, nicest boys. I had REALLY missed having kids in and out of the house! And I had really missed teaching, I didn't realize how much.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNI! It was Wednesday (the 23rd), but I did remember to call and sing on her voicemail. Jen, hope you had an awesome day! I wish my scanner worked - I would post the picture of us when we were 4 and 5 in our matching dresses and Snoopy purses, with you in cute black patent leather shoes and me in my horrendous brown BOOTS! (I don't think my mom could get them off of me!!) I haven't forgotten about October - I can't WAIT to see you guys!

Last night I got a pedicure. Again. I like pedicures and all, but you sure have to keep on top of them when you live in Florida and wear sandals practically every day of the year!! It's been well over a year since my toes have been without polish for more than about 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the piano students! I know the feeling and it's great! Now about your weight loss: don't lose so much weight that the wind from the hurricanes blows you away!! :-)