
another busy weekend

Busy = Happy for me. I've finally realized that at the ripe old age of 33. For the first time in my life, I don't HAVE to work - I WANT to work! I've been bored for awhile - I mean, there's only so much stuff you can do to the house! And I've been scrapping a ton, which I love. My job has been to get healthy, and that's great - and I'm still going to leave myself plenty of time to scrap, exercise, cook, do stuff around the house, and build relationships with friends. I'm not going to work full time. I like taking care of our household and our health!

I'm starting three piano students this week. I'm just so excited to be sharing music again. I can't wait to build relationships with these students and watch them progress. It does make me miss my students from NY though.

Not much else to say - we're just enjoying life and taking things as they come.

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