
up all night

All in all, it's been a pretty crappy week. Mainly because while searching on Monster to see if there were any new and interesting jobs for Brian, I found yet another job posting by EA. This time, it's Brian's EXACT job, posted only nine days after he was laid off. I can't even explain how livid this makes me. Brian has moved on, but I can't seem to get over it. Why would a company do something like this? They said they were eliminating the positions of the level 3 software engineers.

Here is the posting. Notice that in the second line of the job description they state that revenues exceed $3.1 billion. But they don't have enough money to pay Brian's salary.

Brian called his old manager, who stated he was "unaware" that they were hiring for this position. Brian also called the director of human resources, who was also "unaware" of the hiring. I think it's very interesting that the director of human resources, whose job is to hire, doesn't know that EA is hiring. What in the world is going on?? You might try to imagine how upset I am about this. You just might try. But even if you tried really really hard, you would only be able to comprehend a fraction of the anger I'm feeling.

Meanwhile, Brian is still on the job hunt, and is being hunted. He's flying to two different places for interviews next week. I don't want to tell you where just yet, but I'll keep you updated. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and thoughts - mainly me, since I can't seem to let go of the EA situation.

And that brings me to the title of my post. It's normal for Brian and I to go to bed really late, like around 2:00 or so. Last night was no exception, even though B had to take my car into the shop for an A/C recharge and an oil change at 8:00 this morning. At 3:30, I was doing a Sudoku puzzle online (B says I'm a junkie) and Brian was snoring. By 4:00, I had turned on my book on CD and was listening intently. By 5:30, I still hadn't closed my eyes, but began to have a horrible stomach ache. At 6:00, I got up to stay and watched the sun rise. I did my daily chores (cleaning, etc.) and woke Brian up at 7:15. I had pancakes for breakfast and continued to clean and wander around the house for another few hours.

Our house looks great. :-)

{I did manage to squeeze in a nap from 10:00 to about 12:30, though.}

I've been having trouble sleeping for awhile now, and I'm sure it has to do with the job situation. It would probably help if I was on some kind of schedule, and I'm REALLY ready to start teaching piano, but I can't begin anything until we know if we are going to stay in Orlando. It's all a big vicious cycle that I can't break out of.

In other news, Brian's childhood friend Glenn and his wife Lorie are here visiting us for the weekend. They live in Jacksonville. Glenn was the best man in our wedding, and it's really great to see them again! We've spent today just relaxing, talking and watching movies. We went out to Bubbalou's BBQ for dinner and it was delicious!

Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz, is going to be speaking at Discovery Church in Orlando tomorrow night. I'm hoping to go. I think he's a great writer, and I'm sure I'd benefit from hearing him speak.


Anonymous said...

I'd be angry too :( Try to think positively about it though, do you really want Brian to work so hard for a company that treats its employees the way he has been treated? NO! The way I see it, it's their loss, not yours and Brian's. Of course it's easy for me to say since it's not me or my dh... ugh.

I'm a sudoku junkie too--seriously, it's bad! LOL.

I am going to call you today or tomorrow b/c I received your package--THANKS!!!!!

Hang in there!

Sara said...

Hey, I'm still mad that the State of NY went weeks and weeks without paying me, so I think you (and Brian) have every right to be pissed off about it.

Seems like everyone is playing Suduko. ;)