
i'm energized

Yesterday was quite a bad day. I woke up with a migraine and couldn't shake it, and I was so mad because it was my book club night! I finally felt better enough to go to the book club and had a GREAT time. But when I came home, I was feeling wide awake, so I did a little scrapping and surfing online. Brian didn't come home until a little after 3:00 am, and we went to bed, but I couldn't sleep.

I watched the clock and tossed and turned until 5, then I finally decided to just get up. That woke Brian up, and we started talking, and we talked until around 6:30. We were both exhausted, so we finally got to sleep - the last time I looked at the clock it was 6:45. Brian got up at 8:30 for work, and that woke me up, and then I was up till 10, and then I took another little nap until 11:00. Good grief! We both feel like we've been hit by Mac trucks today.

BUT - I turned it around. I chatted online with Denise and we did a few 20-minute cleaning challenges, so I got some things done around here, and then I went to the gym! I hadn't been in a really long time, and it felt so good to get some exercise. Then I got smoothies for Brian and I and took his over to him at work.

When I got home I did another few 20-minute clean-ups with Denise, got a roast in the oven, and now I'm sitting down to blog. Denise tagged me with this craziness, so I guess I'll play!

Most recent....

Music downloads: The last music I downloaded was some Christmas music, Pretty Vegas by INXS, and Trees by Marty Casey.

Audiobooks: Too many to list! I just finished "Moment of Truth" by Lisa Scottoline. I'm currently listening to "Light from Heaven" by Jan Karon and "Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella. Waiting in my queue are "Mary, Mary" by James Patterson and "Murder Boogies with Elvis" by Anne George.

Videogames: I'm addicted to Solitaire, especially Spider and Free Cell. My most recent VIDEO games are Katamari, We Love Katamari, and Guitar Hero.

Books: I mostly listen to books, but the most recent books I've read are "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller and "Girls' Night In" by Jennifer Weiner and other various authors.

Movies: Let's see, right after Christmas Brian & I watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Bewitched," and I just saw "Must Love Dogs" at Denise's.

Television: Brian and I are catching up on 24 since we've never watched it. We're total addicts. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm also a reality tv addict! I love American Idol most of all, but also watch The Gauntlet (Real World/Road Rules Challenge) and The Biggest Loser. I'm also into reruns of A Different World, which used to be one of my favorite shows. We also love Lost, The Office (hilarious), and My Name is Earl.

I'll tag Sera, Jason, and Brad!!!!

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