
day to day stuff

Not much is happening over here, with the exception of Brian officially catching whatever bug I had. He's pretty sick, but he went to work anyway. He's staying home tomorrow and I'm going to try to find a good recipe for homemade chicken soup. Poor thing, I know exactly how he feels and it's not fun!

I did manage to scrapbook a page on Monday night. It's also for the homework for my book club coming up this Monday.

I spent part of yesterday doing 20 minute challenges with Denise. That means setting the timer for 20 minutes and getting housework done. I did like 5 or 6 of them and got a lot done! Yay! Then I went to the Scrapbook Shak at the Altamonte Mall and took a class, which was fun. And then I went to Barnes and Noble and bought "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. I've read about half of it and it was so good I knew I needed to own it. Donald Miller is coming to Orlando in February and I hope to go see him! If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it.

We found out that ESPN is paying for Brian's team at work to spend a day at Epcot on the 28th. Exciting! I hope Brian is feeling better by then!

Today I've just been hanging around, surfing the net, petting the cats, trying to get a dr. appt. for Brian. That's about it! I may go shopping a little bit later. I definitely need to get to the grocery store!

Ooh, I also found out that my beloved brother Brad is coming to visit in February! He's speaking at a retreat in Tampa and will get to spend one night with us. So fun! I can't wait!!!!

Happy 30th Birthday Jennifer!!!! (yesterday) Love ya!!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!!!


Sara said...

Who makes that flower paper? I just love it! Super cute LO, Kerri. :)

Sera said...

SOOOO cute love the page! I have actually gotten a few class M=T's done buit not much more than that. Maybe I can actually move onto actual laytouts today:) Maxie is SOooo adorable by the way!

Denise said...

Love that layout, Kerri!!! And it doesn't look anything at all like the one in the book. I like your layout MUCH MUCH better!

See ya tonight for the NYOBC meeting!!