
a day of tv - and brad, you were right!

Brian is home sick today, which is great for me and not so good for him! I made a huge pot of homemade chicken soup this morning and we had it for lunch AND dinner. I think B is feeling somewhat better. He'll probably go back to work tomorrow and I'll miss him! But I guess someone has to work around here - ha!

We have been watching tv all the livelong day! (Well, I've done some cooking and cleaning too.) We started out with Biggest Loser Special Edition and then moved on to Lost, both on TiVo from last night. They were both great. Eventually, we began watching 24, which we've never seen before. I rented it on DVD from Blockbuster last night. I thought I got Season One, but it's really Season Four. (I have no idea how I made that mistake! I blame it on fatigue!) Anyway, it's the best show ever, just like my brother said. We're on our fifth episode and we're hooked.

My mom had her third epidural steriod shot today. Her leg and foot are still hurting pretty badly. Pray for healing for her. And please pray that the doctors will know what to do. They are going to talk to her next week about deadening the nerve in her leg (I think). Hopefully this shot today will make a big difference.

PS - AMERICAN IDOL IS BACK ON AND BETTER THAN EVER! YAY! I have watched every show since season one and I'm a huge fan! Love it!!

1 comment:

Michelle Butler said...

Don't freak out, but it is your old friend Michelle! Just wanted to say Hi and that is has been great to catch up on what has been going on with you. I e-mailed you as well. BTW, Blue Like Jazz is one of my favorite books and 24 is the BEST! We have seen all 4 seasons and are way into the new season 5 that started last weekend! Miss ya and look forward to hearing from you. Take care and I will pray for your mom. Much love! Check out my BLOG....blogging with michelle. You were my inspiration!