
they're baaa-aaaaack....

So last night, I had finished my (small) bowl of sherbet, so I took it to the kitchen, planning to start the dishwasher while I was in there. I flipped on the light and there was a HUGE roach on my kitchen counter!!!! It was right above the dishwasher! I screamed (I can't control this, screams just come right out when I'm surprised by a bug) and it ran into the crack between the countertop and the dishwasher. Brian came in and looked all around, but couldn't find it. So he started the dishwasher and came to bed.

In about an hour, he went back in to check. I stayed in bed and heard some smacking sounds. He came back in and said he had killed 2 roaches by the cat food. :-( Just yesterday morning, I was walking around the house thinking, "Man, this is great. I have stopped worrying about the bugs and I can just go around without being paranoid." And then this.

Guess who scrubbed the kitchen counters this morning for all she was worth.

This morning, I was using the guest bathroom when I noticed the toilet paper roll was almost out. I reached under the cabinet to get a new roll, and a silverfish fell out. I screamed, nearly peed on myself, and squished it. They're small, so I'm not afraid of them, but they're fast and they run around like maniacs. They do this crazy dance, I'll imitate it for you sometime.

I went about my day, went to Weight Watchers, lost 2.4 pounds!!!! Yay!!!! That brings my total to 3 pounds in 2 weeks. That made me happy. Then I went to Home Depot, Walgreens, Publix. Back home.

Brian and I watched The Biggest Loser and The Office on TiVo--it was late by then. I went into the guest room for some reason and noticed Max flat on his stomach under the computer desk. You could only see the bottom half of him. Well, you know what he was doing, don't you? Brian came in, moved the desk, and killed another HUGE roach.

Soon after, we were getting ready for bed and I noticed Brian had left a plate in the den. I took it to put it in the dishwasher, opened up the dishwasher, and saw a HUGE roach crawling on a bowl. More screams. Brian came and squished it. Good grief! I had had it by then!!!!

I came in the bedroom--there was folded laundry on the bed. I opened the cabinet under Brian's sink to put away some washcloths, and....you guessed it. Another roach. A pretty big one, too. Not a grandpa, but a full-sized adult.

How am I supposed to continue living in this house???? HOW????

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