
sleep, movies, and love

We haven't made it to the beach. In fact, we've only ventured out of the condo complex twice--and that was to get food! We've been SO lazy. We've watched I think 5 movies so far, lounged around talking and enjoying the quiet, been swimming, sat by the pool reading magazines, and slept a LOT. I'm so NOT tired now, I'll probably NEVER be able to sleep tonight at home. Back to the bugs. *sigh* It's Tylenol PM for me. :-(

I brought stamps and beading supplies with me on this trip, but I haven't made anything. I have, however, been cross-stitching a little, thanks to my friend Sara! Like I don't have enough crafting hobbies with scrapbooking, stamping, & beading! Well, in all fairness, I've been cross-stitching since I was like 8, but I haven't done it in awhile. Then Sara was talking about it and I found my cross-stitch stuff when I was unpacking the house. I thought, "This is extremely portable and I don't have to sit at a table to do it. AND I can watch TV!" So I brought it along. Thanks, Sara!

My favorites of the movies we've watched this weekend are "Amelie" and "The Terminal." If you haven't seen these movies, rent them today. They are both such feel-good movies! They put me in a great mood. (Although I spent the first half of "Terminal" feeling really sorry for Tom Hanks.)

In October, Brian and I will have been married for 5 years. Some days, it feels like I've never been without him. Others, it seems like we've just started this journey together. But one thing is for sure: we love each other. It's okay for us to be quiet together. It's okay for us to spend a holiday weekend in our pajamas, not combing our hair, hanging out on the bed. It's okay for us to be silly and crazy! He understands when I jump from one subject to the next. He tries to stay awake when I can't sleep at night. He's funny--he does clever little things to surprise and shock me. I love it. I love him.

Have you noticed how some people's blogs are very serious? I guess that's not mine. This blog is turning out to be pretty frivolous and flighty! haha! Kinda like me sometimes. I guess I should go eat lunch now. I REALLY want a baked sweet potato from Lone Star Steakhouse. Maybe I'll fix my hair and we'll actually go out!

(PS--Isn't it great that Brian's laptop is set up for wireless internet??!! We found a signal here in the condo!)


Sara said...

I did a little cross-stitching this evening. I do love that you can sit and do it without a bunch of supplies. ;)

Don't you think crafty people tend to be crafty in general? I haven't made any jewelry in a while, but I definitely want to! :D

I'm glad you and Brian are having such an enjoyable weekend together. And you know, I totally think you're perfect for eaach other. You really compliment each other.

BT said...

I'm so jealous that you were at the condo! The last time Kari and I were there, we never made it out to the beach either...we fished the whole time! :)

Love and miss you guys...Thanks for the great birthday gift!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog- it is like we talk everyday! Everyone, but me, seems to be blogging.

I am so sorry about the bugs, you know I sympathize w/ your bug disgust. Reading about the bugs makes me laugh and remember how we sprayed everything with Raid at church camp. We had to wash my clothes several times to get the smell out. No wonder we didn't have boyfriends that year...

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Love the blog . . and the name! Scott read the fact that you do scrapbooking, stamping, and beading and he said "is she your long lost twin?" ha ha My life is waaaaayyyy too boring for a blog, but I'll stay in touch with yours and live vicariously ;-) Love ya, Leslie