
the gym

One of the great perks of Brian's job is that we get a greatly discounted rate at a local gym, the RDV Sportsplex. The Orlando Magic practice there, and it's a pretty amazing place--a bit intimidating! Anyway, they have this cool program where new members get 3 free sessions with a personal trainer, and the trainer sets up an exercise program for you. They have these keys and they program all your info into a computer, and when you come to work out, you give them your membership card and they give you a key. You go to a little kiosk and check in with your key, and then proceed to the machines. You put your key in and it automatically switches the machine to your seat position, amount of weight to be lifted, etc. And the little screen tells you how many reps to do. It's WAY too high-tech! But it's very helpful. I've actually been going about 3 times a week, which is unheard of! I used to work out in college and some after, but it's been years now and I'm totally out of shape. So this is a big lifestyle change for me.

SO--I usually go during the day, anywhere from 1:00-3:00. It takes me about an hour and 15 minutes to do my entire workout. (About 10 or 12 weight machines and 25 minutes on the treadmill. The treadmill KILLS me! My trainer programmed it to switch to different inclines while I'm walking. Ugh!) Anyway, I've seen this guy there several times. I'd say he's in his 40's or 50's, very tan, always wearing a NY Yankees shirt. He is ALWAYS on his cell phone.

This cracks me up. WHY would you bring your cell phone into the gym? But nearly everyone there does it! Today, I was on the treadmill with my headphones, watching TV, when I heard someone talking next to me. I looked over and the lady next to me was talking on her cell while walking on the treadmill!!!!

Back to the NY guy. He always talks REALLY LOUD and he has a big NY accent. (I can say that since I lived there.) He's ALWAYS chomping on a big wad of gum. And I've NEVER seen him working out. Once I saw him sitting in the cafe, talking on the phone. Mostly, he's just walking around in the treadmill area, talking on the phone. One day recently, I saw him standing on a stair machine, (the machine wasn't moving), leaning against the top railing, watching TV and talking on the phone. Why would he pay for a gym membership just to walk around and talk on his cell? Can't he just do that at the mall or something??!!

Working out at the gym alone is interesting. There are lots of old people (this is Florida, mind you) and today I noticed this little old guy lifting hand weights and staring at himself in a mirror, smiling and admiring his muscles every time he lifted. Highly amusing for me. I'm sure people are watching me, too. But I'm not so interesting. I just listen to my music and do my workout.

In other news, our new sofas arrived today. They are RED. I love them!!!! I spent most of today really working on the house--hanging curtains and pictures, rearranging the den, rearranging the big bookshelf, cleaning up the kitchen, etc. We are having company tomorrow. My godparents, David and Mona Webb, are coming! They are in Daytona Beach vacationing, and they are driving over to take us to dinner. (We live about an hour from Daytona.) Then I think we're going over to the beach on Saturday to spend the day with them. No one has been in our house yet (besides us and a bunch of delivery men), so I'm excited to have someone over.

Also, today I bought Harry Connick, Jr.'s "Red Light, Blue Light" on iTunes. I'm enjoying it right now. I used to have the CD and lost it somewhere. Actually, I think someone borrowed it and never returned it, but I don't know who. I think it's safe to say I haven't seen that CD since college.

Off to bed for me. I'm going to get my hair colored tomorrow, yay! :-D


BT said...

Just a few thoughts...

1. Maybe the tan guy used to play for the Yankees.

2. I would love to see the old guy smiling at himself in the mirror. I love old people.

3. I'm jealous that David and Mona get to visit you before any of the fam, but at least someone gets to, I guess. I hope they take you somewhere fabulous and tell you to get whatever you want!

4. I'm not sure, but there's a distinct possibility that I am the culprit in the thievery of the HCJ CD.

5. I love being able to read about your life, killing lizards, red couches, Brian's job, funny people at the gym, yada yada yada. We're so far away...This blogging thing just makes it a lot easier.

6. Let me know if you ever run into Mr. Mandelbaum at the gym there. Let me know if he says, "It's go time." Let me know if he says he can lift a TV set over his head.

7. Kari, Braden, and I miss you all and can't wait to see you upon our return to the Vern.

8. OK, let's be honest...I still have the CD.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the one with "She Is" on it? If so, I love that CD. The weird thing is that I was just thinking about it last night and looked for it, thinking, "I haven't seen it in years." Then I realized it must have belonged to my ex-husband. *blush*

Anonymous said...

Phew! I'm so glad Brad admitted to the CD thievery! I was going to tell you that I honestly didn't take it from you at the ol' Elmwood apartment! You are so cool - going to the gym? I'm too much of an introvert for that - but "You Go Girl!" Pump it up! (I know . . . it's 80's).

BT said...

ELMWOOD? Are you Leslie Dodds??? Hilarious. I spent the last few days with Martin Statler and Tevis Austin. Chris Bean was just hired as the youth pastor at my wife's family's church.

I'm reliving my SISTER'S college years instead of my own!


Miss Kerri said...

OK, apparently while I spent 2 hours in the salon, my friends and fam were reading my blog! :-)

Brad Taylor, I never even THOUGHT of you being the one with the CD. For shame. Just keep it now, I don't need it anymore!

I have no idea who Mr. Mandelbaum is. Sorry! Shall I hang a sign around my neck and see if he approaches me?

Tara--no matter about the fireworks cruise, we'll come and see you another day if it doesn't work out! We don't have resident passes yet, but we've been looking into them. That's Brian's job.

AND, there is a song on that CD called "He Is, They Are." Is that the one you're talking about? He has another CD called "She" with a song on it of the same name. I have that CD. Let me know if you want me to burn either one for you! (Is it legal to say that on here??!!)

Leslie!! I SO wish we lived closer. We would be piano playin', craftin' friends! You are so cool. :-)

Yes, Brad, it's Leslie Dodds. Why are YOU hanging out with my friends? I hope you told Martin and Tevis I said hi!!