
not-so-great day

Today has not been the best day. Granted, some good things have happened, but I have an overall sense of melancholy as I prepare for bed. I'll share a few happenings here.

I got up (really late) and eventually went to the gym. This was a good thing, and the day was off to a good start. I had a great workout; I actually did an extra set on the ab machine! Go me! Then I had a pina colada smoothie with fat burner added in, which was de-lish.

On my way home, I needed to stop at the bank. Our funds were released from esgrow from the NY house (finally) and we had gotten a few small checks from our old mortgage company for overpaid funds. So I stopped at the bank to deposit them. I got in the shortest line at the drive through. Have you ever seen the movie "Office Space?" If so, imagine the first scene, and that was me. I waited for at LEAST 20 minutes, and there were only 2 cars ahead of me! It was the lady directly in front of me taking up all the time. I finally noticed people behind me backing out and going to a different line. So I did, too.

As SOON as I got in the other line, that lady moved. And then I was behind grandma. I waited another probably 10 minutes. FINALLY it was my turn, and I sent my deposit through the little tube thing. In a minute, the lady informed me that $100 of this deposit would be available on Wednesday morning since it was after 2:00. And the rest of the deposit (around $1600) would be available on Sept. 20.


This has been happening since we opened the account. It's because our account is "new." We opened it at the beginning of August. 3 of Brian's paychecks have direct-deposited in there by now. We've made numerous transactions. So when I got home, I called the bank and they said they couldn't do anything about it, I'd have to go in and talk to the bank manager. Adding that to my list of things to do tomorrow. It's just really frustrating, because that money belongs to us and we should be able to access it immediately!!!!

Then, while I was making calls to customer no-service, I decided to call Sprint to see about changing our cell phone numbers over to a FL area code. The customer no-service rep told me that 1. we couldn't keep the same number and adopt the new area code (I was SO in hopes we could!) 2. we would have to renew our contract for another 2 years if we switched our number over (our FIRST 2-year contract isn't up yet, the first year will be finished in November. So that put me in a worse mood.

So I decided to go out and sweep off the back patio. When we moved in, we pretty much just threw our patio table and chairs out there, and they weren't even fixed up--the chairs were in a pile on the ground. So I grabbed the broom and headed out. The first thing I noticed was that the grill was crooked. (You know, I have to have everything in straight lines! It's part of my OCD!!!! LOL) So I rolled it over a little to straighten it out.

And then I noticed. I had injured a lizard.

It was on the wheel of the grill and I must've rolled over it. It was bleeding a little and I felt horrible! I was SO distraught! I'm still feeling bad about it now. I prodded it a little with the broom, and it would move a little, but barely, and it couldn't lift up its head. So I swept off the patio and fixed the chairs, and checked on it again. It had curled up a little, so I prodded it again and its tail fell off. So I swept it over into the grass. When Brian got home, I showed him the tiny puddle of blood and then I noticed the lizard in the grass all shriveled and covered with ants. I can hardly live with myself.

In awhile, we decided to ride bikes around the neighborhood, so we were outside and Brian was pumping up our bike tires when our neighbor came over--a new one we hadn't met. So I talked to her for a long time and then her husband came out and we talked to them till dark. Then we rode our bikes around the block one time. It felt great.

And now it's time for bed. We watched some TV--well, we actually watched the final episode of "Six Feet Under." (We had it on TiVo and hadn't seen it yet.) It was great--sad and hopeful at the same time. We've loved that show--we're sorry to see it end.

Blah blah. Time for me to turn in. I can't stop thinking about that poor innocent lizard.


BT said...

You'll have to forgive my insensitivity, and I'm sure PETA would throw a fit, but I think it's HILARIOUS that its tail fell off.


Anonymous said...

That's the MOST ridiculous thing I've heard of regarding the bank holding your funds! Is that some kind of Floridian thing? anti-terrorism? Maybe they think you're friends with Al Quida . . . esp. since you're going around killing poor innocent lizards! :-) Don't feel bad about the lizard. It was his time :-(