
julie, this is for you

A few weeks ago, my wonderful friends Rob & Julie came to Orlando for Children's Pastors Conference. I used to work with them at Brentwood-Benson. Anyway, this is the third year in a row that I met them for dinner when they were here! It's always such a fun, enjoyable time, and I love catching up on all the gossip from the office. Here we are this year:

And here we are last year (check out Rob! He's lost 104 pounds!):

And here we are the year before(2006):

Let's see. I still need to update about Valentine's Day and stuff like that, but for now, I'll leave you with a few scrapbook projects! I've been a fiend lately! Have a great week, everyone.

1 comment:

Mandi Miller said...

Rob looks amazing!!!!!!! INcredible weightloss. So awesome how you have documented it over the years!