
endings and beginnings

First of all, thanks to everyone who posted comments on my last entry. You made me feel so good! I'm going to keep losing weight so people will keep saying nice things to me! :-D

Well, my freelance writing career is approaching its end. On August 24, the project we are working on will be complete and no other projects have been lined up. While I'll miss working from the couch in my pajamas, it will be good for me to move on to something different.

Tomorrow I start my "job" as fill-in church secretary. I'll be training with the regular secretary three days this week and three days next week, and then the following week she'll be gone and I'll be working 5 days a week till the end of October. I'm really excited at the prospect of a ROUTINE. And I found another piano student, so that makes three - building my studio one student at a time. I'm also really excited to start teaching again - I miss having kids in and out of the house, crazy as that sounds!

Today I checked my BMI. I had forgotten to check it the last time I weighed in. Up until this past weigh in, I had been in the "obese" category. (When your Body Mass Index is 30 or higher, you're considered obese.) Well, I'm happy to say that I'm no longer obese, I'm just overweight! My BMI is 29. I'm really trying to get to that "normal" BMI of 18-25. Wanna check your BMI? Click here.

We had a great service at church yesterday and the band ROCKED as usual. I just enjoy it more and more - the 70 minute drive seems to fly by now. Someday I'll figure out how to put songs on here so my many readers (ha!) can hear our awesome band. It's an amazing occurrence, really, as all of the players are paid professionals, but everyone is doing it for the right reasons - that is, worship instead of performance. It's awesome. Everyone works together so well and when Chris gets an idea, he just communicates it and the band just DOES it! No writing out of parts, no transposing of keys, it's just immediate. I can honestly say that I've never been so musically fulfilled - and to think that the heart of this collaboration is to worship....well, it's just beyond words. I'm so thankful to be a part of it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Congrats on the downsizing! That's quite a before & after difference.

And I noticed your dad's b-day was the same as our daughter's...hah!

Unfortunately, I'm no longer working with/near your little bro. Dang it...I really was looking forward to hanging out with him and Kari. But it was not to be.

Glad all is well in Florida!
