
God is good, all the time!

Today my mom had her back surgery. She has been in excruciating pain since September, with no relief except from narcotics, which she's getting really tired of taking. It has taken numerous doctors to figure out exactly what the problem was, and she's gotten lots of run-around from both doctors and insurance companies. The whole thing has been VERY discouraging.

Finally, a family friend recommended a doctor and pulled some strings to get Mom an appointment. He couldn't believe how long she had been living with the pain and agreed to see her ASAP. I think that was around 2 weeks ago.

She came through the surgery just fine! It didn't even take an hour. Dad just called me, and the doctor said everything went exactly as he expected, and even though she just came out of the surgery and isn't even fully awake yet, she can go home in 2 hours. 2 HOURS! Amazing! God is faithful and true.

You know, God is not just the God of big things, problems, etc. We don't have to call on Him only when things are rough. Sometimes I forget this, I think we all do, but He is so ever-present, even in the little things. Here are just a few of the many things I'm thankful for today:

*I got our Florida license plates today. Our cars officially live in Florida! It cost $380 (total for both cars), but I didn't have to wait long and it was nearly hassle-free. I was at the DMV for less than an hour, so I can't complain!

*It's strawberry season in Florida and fresh strawberries were on sale at Publix today, a 16-oz. carton for $.99! I bought 5 cartons so I can freeze some. We'll be having strawberry shortcake tonight!

*Last night I discovered a fairly easy way to get the soap scum off of my glass shower door.

*Brian and I are healthy and happy.

*I am an official freelance writer, and I've been making some extra money this month playing the piano at Winter Haven Church.

*IT RAINED TODAY!!!! Only for about 5 minutes, but I'll take what I can get! I can't even remember the last time it rained, not that I'm complaining, but my grass is brownish and the pollen is horrible!

*On my way home from the store today, a tree fell on the road in front of me. Scary, but it didn't hit my car! I think that was Providential timing!

*And lastly, Idol is on tonight!!!! Yay!!!!

1 comment:

Sera said...

I am glad things are going well for you! And happy for your mom! So what are you writing???