
froggie went a courtin'

Check this out. I was on the phone with my mom a little bit ago and noticed Max come into the living room carrying something in his mouth. He dropped it and it jumped. I screamed. I was SURE it was a roach! Brian ran over (he was cooking dinner, bless his heart) and said, "It's a frog!!"

Sure enough, it was a teeny tiny baby frog. Max kept sniffing it, licking it, pawing at it, walking in circles around it, biting at it, etc. I ran and got the camera. Not to be outdone, Sam came over to sniff and paw at it too. You just never know what might happen around here!

Incidentally, after the photo shoot, Brian scooped up the frog in a plastic cup and took him out to the grass. He's safe. No animals were harmed in this blog.

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