
sunday, happy sunday

We didn't go to the beach. I was feeling yucky all day yesterday. I think it's because of lack of sleep. Friday night, we went to bed with Max locked in our room/bathroom. We put the empty litter box in the bathroom and left the normal one outside our room for Sam. Every time Max made a noise, I was INSTANTLY awake. And he got bored, too. He scratched at the door and meowed. He tried to chew on my glasses. He knocked everything off the nightstand. He jumped on top of the tv and clawed around on it. He meowed at Sam under the door and Sam meowed back. (Brian slept through it all, of course!!) I believe I was awake more than I was asleep.

Finally, at about 7:15 am, I heard scratching in the litter box. I jolted awake. It woke Brian up, too. He went and checked--sure enough, Max had peed. Hallelujah! Brian sucked it up in the syringe and put it in the fridge. We let Max out and he RAN to the sliding glass door to watch the lizards, and Sam promptly came and got in bed with us. We went back to sleep for a few hours, and then Brian got up and took the pee to the vet. The vet tested it, discovered that Max had a small bladder infection, and gave us meds for him. Brian didn't have his check card, so they called me for the card number. By that time, Brian had already called me twice, so I was up and on the couch, watching "A Different World."

So I was in and out of sleep all day, with a horrible headache. Brian took good care of me--he fed me Aleve all day and finally put me to bed around 11:00. I played some Spider Solitaire, watched some TV, and was out. I slept great, and felt much better this morning.

We went to Apopka Calvary Church of the Nazarene, where we've been a few times. It was a good service. Then we went to Sonny's BBQ for lunch. It was YUM! They had banana pudding for dessert, but I was too full, so I got it to go. It reminded me of my dad--he LOVES banana pudding. Maybe I'll make some when they come in only 2 weeks!!!!

And now we're home and it's quiet. *sigh of contentment* The cats are napping and Brian is working on my computer. I'm about to go to Home Depot to get a curtain rod and price some cabinets for my office. We're going to go to Daytona next Saturday.

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