
ing or een

Since when did everyone become too lazy to properly pronounce the suffix ing? For the "ng" sound, the back of your tongue must lift toward your soft palate. Which is QUITE different than the "een" sound, during which the tip of your tongue comes right up behind your teeth. Seriously. I'm SO SICK of hearing people say things like "workeen" or "playeen"!!!! Are you REALLY that lazy? Too lazy to pronounce ing???? What really gets me is when people say "singeen" - like they are not too lazy to pronounce the first ing, but they just can't bring themselves to do it twice.

I probably shouldn't have gotten on this subject, because now I'm thinking of 4 million other commonly mispronounced words. And don't even get me started on spelling.

I think that in my old age I'm becoming less patient with things like this. Of course, I don't say it to the person, I just vent to Brian or my brother or dad, because they understand, sympathize, and agree. :)

So. I have about a week and a half until fall semester starts. Kindermusik is crazy as ever. My classroom is in the middle of being remodeled, so we're going to be in another room for awhile, which is ok. I can't wait to get back in MY room. I need to go to Ikea and find some fun things to put in there. Right now I'm working really hard on getting my classes filled and studying the curricula. I'm also trying to work ahead on my weekly emails, newsletters, and etc. It's exciting, fun, and exhausting!

That's all for now. I have to study. I actually just spent about 30 minutes playing through some old piano pieces I played in high school and middle school. It was fun. I should play more often! OK, off to study! More updates later. ;)


Mandi Miller said...

don't you love spending time playing old things. Things that make you smile all over and feel good inside while you reminsce! (however you SPELL that word! lol)

Becca L. said...

Ok Keri, how did I not know you were a Kindermusik teacher? Kyra loves her Kindermusik classes! Come play LM tag!

Melissa said...

I have no idea what yer talkEEN about!!!!!! :P
:* love ya sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Other things that drive Kerri up the wall:

1) Not pronouncing the "H" in "white"
2) Saying "nuclear" like NOOK-U-LAR
3) The way I say "pecan" (PEE-CAN)

Keep this list handy and find a way to use all 3 in the same sentence if you want to see her twitch!


thethornburyfamily said...

It's Julie Copley!! I saw your parents last week and I told them I get on your blog every now and then. I just thought I'd let you know I'm starting my 2 month old in Kindermusic with Stella soon! I'm so excited about it!! Both of my nieces have done it and loved it. Hope you're doing well!!

Anonymous said...

I cant agree with you more about how annoying it is to hear people pronouncing "ing" as "een"

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you, it made me feel so vindicated to see that I'm not the only one annoyed by SO many people saying "een" instead of "ing"! Even professionals in radio and TV broadcasting! What are they teaching (or teacheen!!) or not teaching in journalism schools? And what can we do about it? I seriously want to start a crusade against it.

Anonymous said...

On the matter of "een" vs. "ing", I have a theory with only anecdotal evidence. Just as some people can't curl their tongues a certain way due to genects, possibly the same issue is affecting the back of the tongue contacting the soft pallet. Would love to get feedback from someone who does this. I wonder, do they hear the differnce?

Unknown said...

I also really dislike this mispronunciation of the "-ing" ending, but it has nothing to do with laziness. It is not physically easier to pronounce "-een" than it is to pronounce "-ing." It's a sociological thing and sometimes the result of miseducation. People who do this seem to be overcompensating for the "'n" pronunciation of present participles and gerunds. At some point they learned that saying "playin'," "doin'," "hangin'," and the like is considered "uneducated" so they made the pronunciation "clearer" by "articulateen"! Some of them (I have some kin who do this) go so far as to exaggerate intervocalic "t" when it comes after a stressed vowel, as in "meeting," which they pronounce as "mee-teen." If you think you're going to reform anyone's pronunciation by pointing this out to them, think again! I've long since given up. We just have to continue to use our natural pronunciation and hope that it will serve as a good model.

Unknown said...

I don't mind it so much when it's just a person I run into in every day life, unless they're someone who is supposed to be an authority on speaking. What bothers me is when a news anchor or someone who was hired to speak on a commercial does it. Why are people who are supposedly educated in proper use of English, namely people who are paid to find good speakers for broadcasting purposes, flaunting this mispronunciation? Let's create a petition to make a new law about proper use of English!

Unknown said...

Aarrgghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I too can't stand to hear "-een" for "-ing"! How can I disable all these &%$#!%(^^ people ASAP????? (Please pardon the multiple marks.)

Anonymous said...

I hate this too. It's even stopped me listening to a few of my favorite podcasts if anyone uses the een.

Anonymous said...

I could have written this article! I can't believe how many people do this. It burns me up inside! I was beginning to think I was weird for letting it bug me and maybe I am but I guess I'm a pronunciation freak!