

That's me.

Here I am, awake at 3:27 am. I don't like it. I'm TIRED. I've been working hard. I've been standing up a lot. But I'm awake.

I'm at my parents' house in KY. My mom has a really bad case of sciatica. She has like 5 bulging discs in her back and some of them are bulging onto the sciatic nerve, so she's in excruciating pain. She needed help cleaning and cooking and well, just help in general, so I decided to come visit.

AND my brother and Kari, and BRADEN (!) are coming tomorrow, along with Kari's parents and sister. Brad is speaking at our home church for their homecoming. And they're going to dedicate Braden while everyone is here. Except Brian isn't here, and that makes me sad. He's on deadline at work, working like 12 hour days (or more) on an NFL coach game.

I can't WAIT to see my BABY B!!!! Every time I look at one of his pictures, I just get that much more excited to see him.

Oh, and the painters were at my house today, and they're coming back tomorrow. Brian sent me some pictures via cell phone (I have all the cameras with me--hello, BRADEN will be here!!!!) and my kitchen is now red, the front hallway under the chair rail is green, and the main area (above the chair rail, dining room, family room) are a buttery shade of beige. Tomorrow my bedroom will turn cobalt blue and my bathroom will become light blue instead of Big Bird yellow. I can't WAIT!!!! It's cool that I'm gone too, because I would hate to be there among the mess.

AND....I went to Weight Watchers today....I didn't expect to lose any because I haven't really been counting points, but I haven't been eating bad, either. Well, I lost 2 pounds!!!! That brings my total up to 5. I'm SO happy about that. My first mini-goal is 10. (I set that goal for myself, baby steps, ya know?) We're going to celebrate when I get to 10. I don't know what we'll do. Maybe we'll eat cake. Yum.

I'm going to attempt to sleep again now. About 45 min. ago I took some Tylenol and some sleep vitamins or something--my mom gave them to me when she got up to take her pain meds--so maybe that's kicking in. I'm starting to yawn a little....


Anonymous said...

I hope you Mom is feeling better. When my parents were there a couple weeks ago, I heard she was in a lot of pain. Can the dr's do anything else??? What a good daughter you are to go home and help.
Enjoy your Russell time w/ Baby B.

Anonymous said...

Prayers going out for your mom! And congrats on the weight loss. YIPEE! Have you heard about how to make a cake with diet pop instead of eggs and oil? It tastes awesome! Drop me a line if you want to know how ;-)